October 10th, each year marks #WorldMentalHealthDay.
Did you know that 80% of the 56% of employees who struggle with mental health of some kind claim that it impacts their work?
Over 11 million days are lost at work a year because of stress at work.
We all know it’s been a challenging year and no matter our position, professional or personal circumstance, it is likely our working situation has been altered in one way or another. While approaches to work and the balance between this and ‘life’ are shifting, the stressors that come with navigating the workplace, coupled with acclimatising to a new world of work has meant that in the last year, we have seen more struggling with mental health problems. The ONS revealed that as of May 2020, depression rates had doubled since the COVID-19 pandemic began. –Health.org
“Approximately one in four people will suffer from a mental health issue at some point in their lifetime, and according to the Mental Health Foundation, this is costing UK employers approximately £2.4 billion per year.”
– Business West
As team builders and people managers, Chesamel are very aware of the role the organisations and teams you work for play in helping us to manage our mental health and find support when we need it. And as huge advocates of knowledge giving power – the power to facilitate change – we’ve collated some resources to help the leaders among you take charge and support those who you lead in the best way possible.
Headspace (for the workplace)