
We’ve moved our weekly updates to a monthly update, so at the beginning of each month you’ll be able to read our monthly picks of stories and events we’ve enjoyed over the last few weeks or are looking forward to over the next few! Enjoy!

Monthly Picks #1

Happy April Fools!! As always, there are some brilliant April Fools going on and being discovered today, one of which is Google’s inclusion of the infamous 90’s game Snake in their Maps App.  Google definitely knows how to do April Fools Day well; back in 2014 Google introduced a Pokemon into their Maps, making them part of our ‘real world’.  This then developed into an App and game in its own right so can we expect the same for Snake…?

90’s game Snake

Monthly Picks #2

The Digital Marketing Podcast from Ciaran Rodgers and Daniel Rowles is always a good listen, but this one specifically spiked our interest as they discuss the developing use of Chatbots and Messenger services in marketing.  It’s a market that is definitely still just developing and their discussion over how businesses can get it right and use the tool more effectively is worth a listen for all growing businesses!

Monthly Picks #3

Any way to encourage a positive environment in the workplace while producing a productive outcome is something we’re very interested in! We’ve been looking into the reasons that you might want to include animals in the workplace, inspired by our very own new furry additions to the office.

Can Animals Improve Your Workspace?

Monthly Picks #4

We work closely with the Google Digital Garage and it is a Google project which we hugely support, so many small businesses and individuals have and continue to gain skills by attending these training sessions across the country.  We are however saying goodbye to one of the Garages this month. On April 13th, the Manchester Garage will be closing their doors!  If you’d like to learn more about the Digital Garage, you can access their online learning here and see where else they are in the country.

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