
Guest blogger Anna Kearney: “Anna is an e-commerce specialist and director of Xune Ltd. She has a passion for public speaking and training and works with Chesamel to provide specialist digital coaching to global tech companies.”


Self-transformation is often inspiring, empowering and enjoyable; goals are set, attained and benefits are reaped. Running a marathon for the first time involves dedication, commitment and pushing boundaries further than they have previously been pushed – the reward is satisfying and highly motivating.

Organisational change, on the other hand, can often be met with trepidation. People hear the words ‘business transformation’ and feel exhausted, and yet, businesses now need to be in a constant transformational state to keep up. Here are 3 ways leaders can implement successful growth in companies for the benefit of all people in the organisation.

1. Inspire through purpose

Having a clear goal throughout organisational change, setting a clear horizon for the team to focus on connects the people to a deeper sense of purpose. Change can often come a result of company efficiencies and profit drives, this is often inspiring to those at the top but a worker implementing the changes may simply be worrying about redundancies and cutbacks.

Connecting to a deeper goal, delivering on purposeful change with all involved seeing the benefits and rewards enables companies to transform successfully with a team who have individual passion for the growth and outcomes.

Organisational Change

2. Give your team the tools & skills to implement organisational change & transformation.

Leaders that are able to give individual workers the tools to implement change are in turn giving them confidence to succeed in the environment of constant transformation. Investing in your people will lead to greater investment from them, empowerment to tackle challenges and give resilience to a constantly changing company culture. For example, a digital skills course for employees could compliment an organisation who is transforming the way they use technology.

Organisations of any size can no longer afford to overlook the value of their individual members; identifying and nurturing talent strengthens the team as a whole.

Creating a culture where every person feels included and empowered to contribute, not only to take action towards the goals but also to make suggestions in how these changes could be improved. A good leader is able to take suggestions from anywhere and give credit when things go well. When a team is able to see that their voice is considered valuable they are more likely to make positive contributions and offer additional value to an organisation. Skills training and providing appropriate tools facilitates overall success.

3. Transparent Leadership

To lead in an era of constant change, there are 4 key tenants leaders can aspire to:

  • Clear Vision – does everyone in the organisation understand the goal?
  • Attainable Milestones – targets that are measurable and achievable.
  • Accountability – opportunities to review and reassess whether the team’s actions are creating the desired results. Not being afraid to try something new.
  • Inclusivity – empowering the team to contribute, creating a culture of open debate, and if a contribution is successful – giving praise and credit to those individuals.


Inspired by Jim Hemerling @TED Paris


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